Latin Citrus Vegetable Soup

I'm assuming you're here because you love soup! And if I may be so bold to say, THANK YOU! I'm always looking for more people to join my team - TEAM SOUP! I LOVE soup. Since I've moved to Texas, it's been a challenge to find others like me. Perhaps it's because Texans are used to hot weather, and the last thing they want to eat is steamy hot savory liquid loaded with chunky ingredients. But I know y'all are out there! Ya know, the ones that can live off soup day in and day out, week to week, month to month, all 4 seasons and specifically all year long. Much like me, they understand that soup is one of the most heart-warming and comforting foods to eat! It's also a surefire way to get added nutrients, especially if it's veggie loaded!
Sometimes I grow tired of salads & sauteed vegetables so soup making is my alternate method to get my fix of nature's vitamins. This Latin-inspired recipe is one that can be eaten year-round because it's flavorful, zesty, and broth based; which fundamentally means that it's fresh, soothing, and light! This recipe has about 12 servings so if you're cooking for yourself, I suggest to freeze half the batch so you can have it for later use! I hope you enjoy this delicious recipe! It's fabulous! Feel free to share it with a friend or leave a comment! Or, snap a photo of your completed dish and post it on social media! Be sure to tag me so I can repost your work! Facebook: Instagram: @ursassychef Twitter: @sassychefheath Enjoy, Sassy Fam! ❤💋
TIME: 30 Minutes
YIELDS: 12 Servings
Ingredients 1 cup of carrots 1 cup of celery 1 1/2 cup of peeled butternut squash 2 cups broccoli, florets 2 cups yellow squash (or 1 large) 1 cup zucchini (or 1 small) 1 large red bell pepper 1 red onion 6-8 garlic cloves, minced
1 (15 ounce) can of garbanzo beans, drained 2 tablespoons of olive oil 1 tablespoon + 2 teaspoon Himalayan Salt, divided 1 teaspoon of black pepper
1 teaspoon chili powder 1 teaspoon smoked paprika 1 teaspoon cumin 2 tablespoons of white vinegar Zest and juice each of lemon & lime Enough water to submerge the veggies - 4 cups Method 1. Dice all of the ingredients into uniform sized pieces. Small enough to fit on a spoon.
2. Place a large stock pot over medium-high heat. Let the pan to heat up for about 30 seconds.
3. Add the olive oil. Allow the olive oil to spread all over the surface of the pan.
4. Add the onion, celery, carrot, and butternut squash. Stir and add a pinch of salt & pepper. Saute for about 4-5 minutes or until the onions and celery start to caramelize. Be sure to stir so the onions don't burn.
5. Add the broccoli bell pepper, and garlic. Add a dash more of the salt & pepper and stir. Be sure to stir every so often so the garlic doesn't burn. It is imperative to avoid burning the garlic otherwise the dish is ruined. Saute again for another 4-5 minutes or until the bell peppers & broccoli become soft.
6. Add the squash, zucchini, cumin, smoked paprika, chili powder, and remaining salt and pepper. Stir and saute until the squash & zucchini start to soften up.
7. Add the water & vinegar. Bring to a boil, and then turn the heat down to low to simmer for another 7-10 minutes. Add the drained garbanzo beans.
8. Add the lemon and lime zest and juice. Add any necessary salt & pepper to taste! Garnish with cilantro!